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Virtual Shareholder Meetings
Best Practices 2021

Go beyond best practices. Strategies to make your next virtual shareholder meeting exceed the expectations of all stakeholders.


Recently, the Center for Corporate Law and Governance at Rutgers University Law School released its Report of the 2020 Multi-Stakeholder Working Group on Practices for Virtual Shareholder Meetings. This comprehensive annual study is produced in partnership with the Society of Corporate Governance and the Council of Institutional Investors.

The purpose of the report is to “outline expectations, as well as evolving practices” for implementing virtual shareholder meetings (VSMs). Although worth reading in its entirety, the report is 30+ pages in length. So, to save you some time this eBook summarizes the main principles that emerged from the report and explains how you can put those best practices into practice.

Ultimately, Broadridge want its clients to go beyond best practices and set new standards for transparency, engagement, and participation. We’ll show you how.

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