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About Broadridge

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Program

Our company has an established mature disaster recovery and business continuity planning program, which ensures the timely and effective recovery of our mission-critical business functions and supporting technology in the event of a disaster.

Our business continuity plans have been developed based on regulatory guidance and industry best practices; and our program is staffed with full-time highly qualified disaster recovery and BCP professionals.

The foundation of our business resiliency program emphasizes a disaster avoidance strategy. Our avoidance strategy includes power redundancy, facility security, and data and infrastructure backups.

Our business continuity plans have been developed to:

  • Provide an organized and consolidated approach to managing response and recovery activities following any unplanned incident or business interruption.
  • Provide prompt and appropriate response to any unplanned incident, such as fire, regional disasters, pandemic, or loss of utilities services, thereby reducing the impacts resulting from short-term business interruptions.
  • Recover essential business operations in a timely manner, increasing the ability of the company to recover from a damaging loss to a facility.
  • Provide a smooth transition back to the primary production facility after the incident has been resolved.
  • Provide disaster recovery planning that includes activities and plans to recover and restore the ongoing function of technology and infrastructure in the event of a disaster/disruptive event. Recovery includes voice and data networks, computer hardware, software systems, and applications.

Our Broadridge Crisis Management Team, that is comprised of cross-functional senior-level leaders, manages the overall response to an incident and provides centralized command and control in the event of a disaster/disruptive event.

At Broadridge, business continuity planning is a continuous process, not a project. Testing and review of the plans with recovery team members are required annually and when material changes have been made to the plans. The BCP Program includes ongoing emergency planning with local, state and federal authorities to ensure the safety of human life and to minimize disruption of service to our clients.

Some of the major components of our BCP Program include:

Business Continuity Planning Life-Cycle

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