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About Broadridge

Press Release

Broadridge Receives Two Gold Awards at the 2008 International MarCom Awards

LAKE SUCCESS, New York -- December 2, 2008 -- Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: BR), is pleased to announce that it has received Gold Awards in two categories at the 2008 International MarCom Awards. The MarCom Awards is a global competition for marketing and communication professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of marketing and communication programs and print, visual and audio materials.

The MarCom Awards are administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals and were created in 1995 as a means to honor outstanding achievement and service to the communications profession. There were over 5,000 entries from firms throughout the United States and several foreign countries in the 2008 competition. The Gold Award is presented for projects that exceed industry standards in quality and achievement. This year, Broadridge was recognized with this esteemed honor for their 2008 Desk Calendar in the Marketing/Promotion/Calendar category, as well as for their Communications Capabilities Brochure in the Brochure/Capabilities category.  This is the second industry award for Broadridge’s Communications Capabilities Brochure, which also received the Award of Distinction (Silver) in two categories at the 14th Annual Communicator Awards earlier this year.

The 2008 Desk Calendar is an annual project created by Broadridge’s internal design department. The 2008 calendar design is part of a larger, company-wide green initiative and includes monthly “green tips,” as well as production and design featuring paper conservation and the use of FSC-certified products and companies. The Communications Capabilities Brochure was developed as a tool to market Broadridge’s diverse document design, composition, production and fulfillment solutions.  The same Broadridge internal creative team which develops award-winning communications for client initiatives designed the Desk Calendar and Capabilities Brochure.

“We are honored to receive MarCom Awards for our Desk Calendar and our Communications Capabilities Brochure projects,” remarked Gerard Scavelli, President, Investor Communication Solutions, Broadridge. “Our goal with these communications initiatives is to create high-impact and informative materials that engage the readers and simplify otherwise complex topics. We feel that this recognition by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals is a testament to the work of our associates.”

About the Marcom Awards

MarCom Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. The international organization consists of several thousand marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, media production and free-lance professionals. The Association oversees awards and recognition programs, provides judges and sets standards for excellence. Over 5,000 entries came from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops, production companies and freelancers. The competition has grown to perhaps the largest of its kind in the world. 

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