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About Broadridge

Broadridge UK Tax Strategy

Broadridge is a global business headquartered in the U.S. with business activity in the UK. The Broadridge business provides advanced technology and operations, communications, data and analytic solutions for the financial services industry and businesses.

This tax strategy is applicable to all Broadridge UK companies together with any UK permanent establishments within the Broadridge group. Publication of this strategy is regarded as satisfying our statutory obligation under Para 16 (2), Schedule 19, Finance Act 2016 for the financial year ending 30 June 2024.

Tax risk management and governance

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has overall responsibility for the tax strategy with oversight and approval provided by the Board and Audit Committee. The CFO is supported by the Global Head of Tax and Chief Accounting Officer who have operational responsibility for implementation of the strategy, tax compliance, risk management and general tax matters.

Broadridge is committed to paying all taxes due under the tax laws of each tax jurisdiction it conducts businesses, including the UK, as well being committed to paying the tax amounts at the prescribed time in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations, both in letter and in spirit. Broadridge aims to maintain compliance via a system of internal governance using appropriately qualified and experienced staff. Where applicable tax advice is sought from external advisors in respect of material transactions or when staff do not have the necessary expertise or skills required in a particular area.

In the UK, the Senior Accounting Officer is responsible to ensure that the UK companies have appropriate tax accounting arrangements and has implemented the necessary procedures to review and monitor the key tax risks.

Tax planning

Broadridge will only engage in tax planning that supports the business, reflects genuine commercial activity and complies with all applicable laws and regulations. Broadridge will not engage in artificial tax arrangements or aggressive tax planning but may seek to benefit from legislative reliefs or incentives in the spirit of the law.

Transactions between group companies are conducted on an arms-length basis in accordance with appropriate transfer pricing rules and the relevant guidance issued by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Broadridge does not tolerate tax evasion, nor do we tolerate the facilitation of tax evasion by any person(s) acting on Broadridge’s behalf. Necessary internal procedures are in place to prevent tax evasion.

Compliance and relationships with tax authorities

Broadridge aims to maintain open and transparent relationships with the UK tax authorities and seeks to comply with all UK tax filing, tax reporting and tax payment obligations. There may be instances where Broadridge's interpretation of tax law, may differ from those of the tax authorities. In such a circumstance, Broadridge will work constructively and proactively with the UK tax authorities with a view to attaining an early resolution to any matters arising.

Where appropriate, Broadridge looks to engage with UK and related tax authorities to disclose and resolve issues, risks and uncertain tax positions.