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About Broadridge

Special Offer for UBS Advisors

Turn your name into a prospecting tool with Website Enhancement Services.

Special Offer for UBS Advisors

Expand your online presence with the help of Website Enhancement Services from Broadridge.

Thanks to the partnership between Broadridge and UBS, you can boost your search results and help increase the likelihood that your website appears on the first page of Google and Bing results when a prospect is searching for your name.

WES Features

Website Enhancement Services (WES) places the link for your website under the sponsored link section of search results. This transforms your name into a link to your website, allowing prospects to gain the information they need when choosing you as their financial advisor. This translates to a higher volume of qualified leads coming to your website.

Special UBS Pricing

UBS Advisors have access to special pricing, thanks to this partnership. Choose to pay quarterly or select annual payment for additional cost savings.

  • Individual Financial Advisor: $60 per quarter or $200 per year
  • Team: $96 per quarter or $320 per year
  • Additional Names: $18 per quarter or $60 per year for each additional name

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this service approved by UBS?

Yes. Broadridge has worked with the UBS team that manages the financial advisor website program to provide WES to UBS financial advisors. Additionally, ads are created using compliance-approved text.

People know me by both my given name and a nickname. Which one should I use?

If people know you by multiple names (James and Jim, for example), we suggest you add an additional name to your WES account. This way, you ensure that your link will appear when a prospect or referral types either name into search engines.

Can I see an example of an ad?

Here is an example of how an ad appears in Google:

ad appears in Google

Here is an example of how an ad appears in Bing:

ad appears in Bing

Will my links show up in search engines 100% of the time?

Even though we monitor WES name placement links on a daily basis, 100% website ad uptime is not possible. In fact, uptime figures vary by search engines because of the way they run their programs. We encourage advisors to direct clients to use Google because of its superior uptime rate.

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