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General Ledger Reconciliation Tool (GLRT)

Enhance your financial control.

With evolving regulatory requirements and increased volatility, financial firms face new complexities across their product control. Firms must be able to meet obligations set by regulators and auditors to demonstrate the financial integrity of their operations, identify risks, and quickly resolve any discrepancies within their GL accounts. By leveraging automated solutions within critical activities, firms can now enhance operational efficiencies, manage risks and limit manual tasks that lead to errors within key control processes.


Gain Efficiencies With an Improved Clearing and Settlement System for Substantiation

Broadridge’s General Ledger Reconciliation Tool is an Event Level Trial Balance Substantiation Solution within Broadridge’s Fixed Income Post-Trade Processing Engine, impact SM. This offering allows users to substantiate trial balance down to the lowest level (business event level), so they can gain necessary insights regarding calculation issues, such as which event caused differences between an underlying trade and the user’s prior position.

Broadridge General Ledger (GL) Reconciliation Tool Benefits:

  • Streamline your daily trial balance trade and position workflows by quickly resolving exceptions at the event level.
  • Increase operational efficiencies by eliminating the need for costly reserves and haircuts.
  • Save overhead costs and reduce time spent on manual investigations.
  • Increase transparency and reduce risk across your daily product control, operational and financial reporting obligations.
  • Reduce capital charge risks associated with discrepancies in the trial balance.

For additional information, please contact your Broadridge Account Manager.

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