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Matrix Advisor Services

Over the past few years, retirement defined contribution plan sponsors have become increasingly interested in CITs for two primary reasons. First, CITs have the potential to be more cost effective than mutual funds. Second, CITs can leverage a broad variety of asset classes and vehicles, so they can be used to effectively deliver absolute performance and risk/return within defined contribution and defined benefit plans.

The breadth of investment offerings in these vehicles has grown markedly in recent years, and operational enhancements including daily valuation, automated trading via the NSCC, performance data, and holdings reports have made CITs a viable and appealing option for many defined contribution and defined benefit plans. CITs help plan sponsors and participants by providing access to institutional and boutique investment managers—resources that are otherwise rarely available for small and mid-size plans.”

Matrix Trust Company’s CIT Services include:

  • Oversight of investment managers and the investments within the fund

  • Fund accounting and unitization services for daily valuation

  • Transfer agency and shareholder accounting

  • Audited financial statements

  • Trading through outside custodial platforms

  • Fund fact sheets and performance

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Find out more about Matrix Trust Company’s CIT Services